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法定代表人:CHIBA MASATOMO(千叶 将智)













  丰臣秀吉(豊臣秀吉,とよとみひでよし,Toyotomi Hideyoshi,1536年~1598年)出生于尾张国爱知郡中村,贫农之子。最初叫木下藤吉郎。






  Japan in the history of the legend - the end of the Warring States period in troubled times, Toyotomi Hideyoshi unified Japan (Kinoshita Shinkichiro rattan), at the same time he is also the most寒微the权臣origin, from the slaves to the retainer, Oda family from the general to the官居a white goods clearance for most of the ministers, who all live up to its name. The history of this period of hard struggle, coupled with changing the Warring States Period in Japan as well as the many heroes, so that players can be division in the history of the vicissitudes of life, the feelings experienced little of the rough.

  Toyotomi Hideyoshi (Hideyoshi Toyotomi Hideyoshi,とよひでみよとし, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 1536 year to 1598) was born in Aichi counties Zhang Mei Village, the son of poor farmers. Initially called rattan Shinkichiro Kinoshita.

  Renamed in 1568 as Kinoshita Hideyoshi. Long and shallow wells due to governance and justice Asakura combat meritorious King, has been called in 1573 near Ben Thanh Master Chang Jiang. Kinoshita named after the change to diesel plume (plume柴秀Kyrgyzstan, and take a long show and Shibata Niwa singer name in the word). According to the order after the Chinese attack, conquer harima country, but Malaysia, as Hatabu States, so that the former country and the United States prepared for the country's hi-yu's service is more and Maori Terumoto operations.

  1582 Temple instinct of change occurred, the murder of Oda Nobunaga Mitsuhide wise. Toyotomi Hideyoshi at the time the Chinese are prepared to besiege the city Takamatsu. He's making peace with the Maori quickly,率军to return to Kyoto, at the Battle of Yamazaki defeated Mitsuhide wise. Clearance for its achievements in meeting州城Sydney occupied the leadership and battle low Yue defeated Shibata singer, a benefits and Takigawa Takashi Oda letter to Ikeda Hidekazu Niwa Hengxing long to the suits, in the Komaki Nagakute war with Tokugawa Ieyasu and Oda Nobuo war and become the real successor to Oda Nobunaga.

  Rock Hill in 1583 in the former site of the Temple would like to build Osaka Castle. White Lily in 1585,赐姓by Toyotomi in 1586 and became too political minister, established the regime. Kishu conquest has been carried out, the four countries conquest conquest and Kyushu, Japan conquered throughout the West. Kanto expedition in 1590, surrounded by the city and defeat Odawara Hojo, so that the country Michinoku Date Masamune name, etc. are from the Northeast to the service, a unified Japan, the end of the Warring States period of Japan. 1591 will be the white spaces to give clearance nephew Toyotomi Hidetsugu, claiming Taiko.

  North Korea sent troops in 1592 (the text of Paul's service), by the Korean Admiral Yi Sun-shin and around the Korean Volunteer Army heated water resistance, while the Ming Dynasty also sent reinforcements to the North Korea, so a truce. Shortly after the talks broke down, once again sent troops to Korea in 1597 (Qing Long Battle). Toyotomi Hideyoshi August 18, 1598 on the death of Fushimi City.

  Oda Nobunaga Toyotomi Hideyoshi因袭more than policy to block Le Le Premier Printing City and the revitalization of trade and other commercial vessels, to control the city, casting monetary policies to control business. All too hunting knife seized and used to establish the tax and other policies, thoroughly agricultural soldiers separated from the screen for the period to lay the foundation for the system fan.


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