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  2. transportation与transport的分别?


people can to anywhere by bus无谓语。

The bus drive do well in driving这句感觉不是很好。

and they are also be friendly 错了。be不要。不是to one another,这是司机互相间友好的意思

in my opinion,一般不加so

is the best 一般搭配among...;

I would can’t wait to come here. I couldn't.


HI! Tony,

I’m glad to know your grandpa is coming to Beijing.

Beijing is the capital of china , and the traffic is greater than ever before—especially the bus service. There are so many buses on the roads ( in the day) , and you can take two different buses to go to the same place. The bus ( driver does) well in driving, and they are also (be 删掉) friendly to (every passender). People can go anywhere by bus. If someone doesn’t know which bus (he should take), he can ask the bus driver for help , and the driver will tell him with a big smile . so in my opinion , the bus service in Beijing is the best . if I were your grandpa, I would (can’t不可以酱紫用,换成 not ) wait to come here.


1 基本词语不要写错 bus driver

2 缺乏高级句型 比如 可以说交通便利 the traffic is so convenience that you can go where you want to go by bus.

再比如 as a native of beijing, I would like to introduce .... to you.

with the traffic in beijing so convienient, you can go anywhere as you like.

3 适当用连接词 not only ... but also what's more besides .....

4 如果多记一些高级词汇和短语,文章更有分量

当然你的功底是很好的,用了虚拟语气, 宾语从句(但两处是错的 should 不用提前)


Trport指交通工具 如public trport 但也可写public trportation (你想在一篇文章里混用trport或trportation也是可以的。不过人们的习惯多数是但用一个,不过混用都系冇乜影响既。如果想有趣d,可以两个都混用。如果想正式d,就最好剩系用一个。 英文仲有唔少类似例子,例如tape measure同measuring tape,colour同color,串法不同,但意思极为相似。 Trport亦可做动词 这时就不可用trportation代替了,因为trportation睇落去都知呢个系名词黎。

trport和trportation都不是运输公司, trport/trportation(n.)是交通系统那种运输,又或是交通工具的公司才会用trport/trportation这词作为公司名。不是把东西由一个地方运去另一个地方的运输,近代或叫物流logistics。 trport(v.)为动词才是把一件东西由一个地方送往另一个地方。The MTR trports large amount of peopole effectively in most mega cities. 如果你用xx trportation co.可能会被误会为运输车辆公司。如果正是一间租赁各类车辆(货车/七人车/巴士)或交通公具(包括车船)作运输用途的公司还是不错的。 可能我想多了,但一般「运输」货品的公司都以推崇为,xx logistics co.或xx delivery service co.

运输服务是一个范围很广的行业。在中国香港“trport service”和 “trportation service”都可以使用。不过,“delivery service”(=送货服务) 或“logistics service”(=物流服务) 都是常用的。 你选用哪一个名目,理应取决于你的市场营销策略。

我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源: englishstudy.info 希望可以帮到你!

在美国. 加拿大

多数使用 ”trportation service”. 尤其是运输货物. Americ tend to use "trportation"

while the British usually use "trport". They are both correct. It's not an error if you use either one. People on both sides of Atlantic will understand what you mean. e.g. public trport (British)

public trportation (American) Trportation is a noun. Trport can be a noun as well as a verb. As a noun

trportation and trport are used interchangeably nowadays. The only exception is: penal trportation (not penal trport). It refers to the shipping of criminals from Britain to penal colonies in Australia. (in the old days) In British English

"trportation" generally refers to the carriage of goods. 2011-03-05 02:57:40 补充: 我只集中 trport 与 trportation 之别. 使用什么字


trportation (trport) service普遍地是规模大



或载轮椅病人称trportation service



用delivery service 或者courier service. 搬屋

用Moving Co


moving service. 如果是一队卡车


trucking Co.

freight shipping Co.

参考: Longman English Dictionary

到此,以上就是小编对于transportation service的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于transportation service的2点解答对大家有用。

transportation service
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