您当前所在位置:首页手机游戏all your files are encrypted电脑被黑怎么办

all your files are encrypted电脑被黑怎么办

更新:2024-08-19 18:53:16编辑:BOSS软件库归类:手机游戏人气:480


  1. all your files are encrypted电脑被黑怎么办
  2. how to recover encrypted files病毒怎么清除

一、all your files are encrypted电脑被黑怎么办


Attention! All your files are encrypted! message means the scareware that is another tool designed by scammers to swindle the money. Identified as Trojan.Ransom.HM, this malware is aimed at people who like to use file-sharing services, like download movies, music and other stuff. The program is found to encrypt the files on victim’s computer and additionally demand 50 euros in order to restore them.

This scamware is distributed through illegal copies of music, movies and other files, in most of the cases. As soon as it is executed, it drops some files that can’t be executed normally and additionally displays the alert saying that there are illegal programs found on your PC. Besides, this virus encrypts all extensions by adding .EnCiPhErEd to file extension and tends to change default icons to a pink common icon.

Every folder on the target PC is usually renamed to “HOW TO DECRYPT FILES.txt” and included this message:

Attention! All your files are encrypted!

You are using unlicensed programms!

To restore your files and access them,

send code Ukash or Paysafecard nominal value of EUR 50 to the e-mail Koeserg@gmail.com.

During the day you receive the answer with the code.

You have 5 attempts to enter the code. If you exceed this date all data is irretrievably spoiled. Be careful when you enter the code!

Of course, you should never pay this 50 Euro deposit. Several anti-malware companies develop tools to unencrypt the data for free. In order to fix your computer, we recommend you to remove Trojan.Ransom.HM with a help of this tool.

The best prevention for this encryption trojan is doing regular backups

二、how to recover encrypted files病毒怎么清除



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