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Better Than A Hallelujah 是什么意思

更新:2024-08-06 07:54:19编辑:BOSS软件库归类:安卓游戏人气:1344


  1. Better Than A Hallelujah 是什么意思
  2. 翻译Better than a Hallelujah,这是Amy Grant 唱的一首歌名,谢绝机翻...
  3. 有首英文歌:有几句叫哈里路ing

一、Better Than A Hallelujah 是什么意思


感叹词 :哈利路亚(表示赞美、感谢上帝之意)




二、翻译Better than a Hallelujah,这是Amy Grant 唱的一首歌名,谢绝机翻...

Better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚

God loves a lullaby in a mother's tears in the dead of night 上帝喜爱母亲眼泪里的安眠曲 在夜晚最寂静的时刻

Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 胜过哈里路亚 在有些时候

God loves a drunkard's cry, 上帝欣赏一个酒鬼的喊叫

the soldier's plea not to let him die 士兵的恳求不会让他死亡

Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 胜过哈里路亚 在有些时候

We pour out our miseries 我们将我们的苦难倾倒至尽

God just hears a melody 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

Beautiful the mess we are 我们的混乱被美化

the honest cries, of breaking hearts 哭喊得那样真实 发自那些残缺的心

Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚

A woman holding on for life, a dying man giving up the fight 一个女人坚持为生活 一个濒临死亡的男人放弃着战斗

Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 胜过哈里路亚

Tears of shame for what's been done 耻辱的眼泪为所做而流

The silence when the words won't come 只有沉默 当字句不再有

Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 胜过哈里路亚

We pour out our miseries, God just hears a melody.我们将我们的苦难倾倒至尽 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

Beautiful the mess we are, 我们的混乱被美化

the honest cries, of breaking hearts 哭喊得那样真实 发自那些残缺的心

Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚

Better than a church bell ringing 比教堂响起的钟声更美好

Better than a choir singing out, 比唱诗班的歌声更美好

Singing out 唱出来

We pour out our miseries 我们将我们的苦难倾倒至尽

God just hears a melody 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

Beautiful the mess we are 我们的混乱被美化

the honest cries, of breaking hearts 哭喊得那样真实 发自那些残缺的心

Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚


taylor swift - change?

  better than a hallelujah~

  歌手Amy Grant的专辑《Somewhere Down The Road》中的歌曲。


  God loves a lullaby in a mother's tears in the dead of night 上帝喜爱在寂静的夜晚 母亲眼泪里的催眠曲

  Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时候 胜过哈里路亚

  God loves a drunkard's cry 上帝欣赏一个酒鬼的喊叫

  The soldier's plea not to let him die 战士的恳求不会让他死亡

  Better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时候 胜过哈里路亚

  We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难

  God just hears a melody 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

  Beautiful the mess we are 我们的混乱被美化

  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支离破碎的心 发出真切的哭喊

  Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚

  A woman holding on for life, a dying man giving up the fight 一个女人坚持着生活一个垂死的男人放弃战斗

  Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时候 胜过哈里路亚

  Tears of shame for what's been done 耻辱的眼泪为他们所作而流

  The silence when the words won't come 无言以对时 只有沉默

  Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes 有时候 胜过哈里路亚

  We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难

  God just hears a melody 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

  Beautiful the mess we are 我们的混乱被美化

  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支离破碎的心 发出真切的哭喊

  Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚

  Better than a church bell ringing 比教堂响起的钟声更美好

  Better than a choir singing out 比合唱团的歌声更美好

  Singing out 唱出来

  We pour out our miseries 我们诉说着自己的苦难

  God just hears a melody 上帝只将那当作旋律倾听

  Beautiful the mess we are 我们的混乱被美化

  The honest cries, of breaking hearts 支离破碎的心 发出真切的哭喊

  Are better than a Hallelujah 胜过哈里路亚


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better than a hallelujah
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